Braxton Hicks Contractions..
With my twins, I noticed BH contractions mostly in my back and sides of my uterus. It just felt like all the musles would tighten up at once. Not painful, mostly just annoying.
This pregnancy I've only had a couple BHs, mostly at night when I'm lying in bed (or maybe I just notice them more that time of day?).
You may be having them, and just not notice yet. As you get closer to your due date they do get more intense/frequent.
Currently looking into Plastics!
With my first two pregnancies (the ones I carried to term, I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks), I never had them. This one, I have had them for the past 2/3 weeks and they are consistant. I get them at night, for the most part, and sometimes they come and go every 5/10 minutes for an hour or two and then stop. I will have them off and on throughout the day and then they stop. Sometimes I can ignore them, sometimes they have me stopping in my tracks and doubled over. I have been awake a few nights with them pretty intense and coming about every 5/10 minutes, then just stop after an hour or so. it is normal to have them all the time or not at all. It is your body's way of preparing for labor.
Mommy to Ethan Lane 12/3/03 weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 3/4"
& Zachary Logan 5/12/07 weighing 3lbs 4oz 16"
& Gavin Liam Due 3/18/11 born 2/3/11 weighing 3lbs 15oz 17"
But now that I know what they are and how they feel, I am cool with it. Just hoping I can get through Labor now LOL
Susie Q and Hannah Grace too!!
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